Monday, January 11, 2010

A little wine is healthy ... really

I've always heard a glass of wine a day is good for you.  I never saw a need to question this factoid, I just happily went with it.  Given how many of us renew our dedication to health in the month of January, I sat down with a trusted M.D., who incidentally happens to be both an oenophile and my uncle, and discovered some very interesting things about how wine affects our health.

First, it's all about portion control.  Apparently one glass means 4 ounces NOT the full pours I tend to enjoy.  Oh.  Second, drinking a moderate amount of wine (4 to 8 ounces) on a daily basis is much better than saving my wine craving and over-indulging during Happy Hour on Thursday.  Followed by date night Friday.  And then girl's night Saturday.  Third, taken in moderation, wine has been known to help relax the blood vessels, raise HDL cholesterol (the good kind), and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and diabetes.  Dr. Dave/Uncle Wino was quick to clarify - wine isn't a replacement for good health practices, but if we do partake, there are proven benefits.

So I decided to do some research. I gave myself a moderate pour of Estancia Pinot Noir (cuz I like it spicy with a long finish) while 50 Cent and I asked 21 Questions.  Here's what I found:
  • UCLA and New York's Mt. Sinai School of Medicine teamed up to produce studies demonstrating how compounds found in red wine help to reduce cognitive deterioration. While a cure for Alzheimer's hasn't been found, the team has taken research an "important step forward."
  • The American Heart Association takes the stance that wine does in fact contribute towards lower levels of heart disease. 
  • And the American Diabetes Association, along with various independent studies, indicates red wine helps to improve insulin sensitivity.
Antioxidants - it's a good thing.
    But what if red wine gives you a headache?  The advice Uncle Dave gave to my Dad ... try an older vintage.  Makes sense to me.  I find that older wine, like men, gets more mellow and much smoother over time.  I always thought it was because older wines contained less tannin but recent studies have shown that age doesn't necessarily correlate to tannin levels.  Good tip nonetheless.

    So there you have it, I learn something new everyday!  Wine is indeed good for you.

    Until next time,
    Here's to your healh ~ Salud!


    1. Hey Sarita

      Very nice website so far, you write very well. I wish you the best in trying to become a Sommelier (Master Sommelier perhaps?)

      This health thing is awesome, because you can drink the first glass in good spirit :-D


    2. Thanks for the encouragement Chris, I really appreciate it! I'm working on my certification so baby steps for now. I'm glad you enjoyed the post and I'm looking forward to talking wine with you going forward.

